Employer Group Information

Hey Boss!

There are multiple reasons to offer employees Group Health Coverage

✅Required if you have more than 20 FTE

✅It is a good thing to do

✅Attract and retain the right talent

✅Tax advantages

Let me help make your life easier...

What if you had less turn over?
Less time hiring and training?

Interested in those types of savings?

Traditional Group Health

Simple and ready to go

What most group health coverage is

More expensive

80% of healthy groups pay for 20% unhealthy

(Level funded changes that!)

The coverage option if you have unhealthy employees or spouses

Employer pays 50% for the employee

Level Funded group Health

Save money with healthy employees!

Pass underwriting (answering a few health questions)

More affordable

80% of healthy groups pay for 20% unhealthy

Imagine saving money because of healthy employees!

Possibility of a year end refund if your employees/families are healthy

Same coverage as Traditional Group Health Coverage

Ancillary Benefits

Offering the extras for your employees

These benefits can be paid by the individual or by the employer or shared costs

Dental and Vision

Life Insurance (even with health issues)

Disability Coverage (on or off the job)

Accident Coverage

Cancer/Heart Attack/Stroke

General Disclaimers/Disclosures to Satisfy the Attorneys/Legal Dept

I am a licensed Insurance Agent in any state I do business in

I am not an attorney, I do not give legal advice but I know some if you need one

I am not an accountant, I do not give tax advice but will direct you to talk to one and have some I can introduce

I am not a doctor, I do not give medical advice but I can help look up doctors in your network

I represent multiple carriers so I have more options for you

I mainly do virtual appointments, I live on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere (about 45 minute to Crossville...you know, the BIG CITY ;)

Most policies are not guaranteed issue aka you have to apply and answer some questions

Your privacy is important to me, if you are referred to me by someone, I might tell them "Thank you for the referral" but will not use your name or discuss our conversation

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 8 organizations which offer 38 products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options

Updated 10042024

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